HARD goals over SMART goals
SMART goals are a popular framework for personal and professional development. They stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The idea is that by making your goals SMART, you can increase your chances of success and satisfaction.
However, some experts argue that SMART goals are not enough to motivate you to achieve your full potential. They may even limit your growth and creativity by making you focus on what is realistic and safe, rather than what is challenging and inspiring.
That’s why some people suggest setting HARD goals instead. HARD goals stand for Heartfelt, Animated, Required, and Difficult. The idea is that by making your goals HARD, you can tap into your deeper emotions, passions, and purposes, and push yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Here are some of the benefits of setting HARD goals:
Heartfelt: When your goals are heartfelt, they align with your core values and interests. They make you feel excited and fulfilled, not just satisfied. They also help you connect with others who share your vision and support your journey.
Animated: When your goals are animated, they have a clear and vivid picture of what success looks like. They make you visualize the outcome and the process, not just the steps. They also help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements.
Required: When your goals are required, they have a sense of urgency and importance. They make you feel that you have to do them, not just want to do them. They also help you overcome procrastination and distractions, and prioritize your actions.
Difficult: When your goals are difficult, they challenge your skills and abilities. They make you stretch and grow, not just maintain and improve. They also help you learn from your failures and feedback, and develop a growth mindset.
Of course, setting HARD goals does not mean that you ignore the SMART criteria. Your primary lifelong goals should be HARD goals. Ones that inspire you. Large, incredible targets that both get you excited about achieving them and terrified and clueless on how to go about it. The road to your HARD goal will have many stops and SMART subgoals along the way. You don’t need know how to achieve the final goal – just the next step that takes you closer to that goal.You still need to make that next subgoal specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. But your main lifelong goals need to be heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult to give your life purpose.
By setting HARD goals, you can unleash your inner potential and achieve more than you ever thought possible. You can also enjoy the journey more, as you pursue your goals with passion, enthusiasm, and determination.
What do you think? Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments. 😊